Caribou Hunting
Guided Caribou Hunts Newfoundland
, Canada
It’s not called Caribou Valley for nothing. Helicopter pilots refer to it as Caribou Pass, a notch in the mountainous plateau where you can fly when weather shuts you down everywhere else and where there are always caribou in the vicinity. Caribou Valley is the spring calving ground for Woodland Caribou and the fall breeding ground where caribou congregate for the rut. These factors contribute to Caribou Valley Outfitters’ 100% success rate year after year. The number of caribou in the area along with the sheer size and quality of the animals speak to the attributes of the area and the unique hunting experience it offers. Caribou Valley was designated a Wilderness Reserve to protect the natural wonders and wildlife, specifically caribou, that the area offers. Caribou Valley Outfitters is the only hunting operation offering hunts in this majestic and mind blowing paradise. Caribou Valley hunters do not experience other resident or non-resident hunters in the field. There is absolutely no outside hunting pressure.
Newfoundland boasts the southernmost herd of Woodland Caribou in the world and it is the only destination that offers a non-resident hunt for the animal. Woodland Caribou share the environment with moose and black bear so the unique opportunity for a moose/caribou/bear combination hunt is an option. The rut for caribou and moose overlap for a couple of weeks during late September and early October and hunts are available during this time. Many record book animals for bow, muzzleloader and rifle are taken during this period. Newfoundland provides the opportunity to take a trophy Woodland Caribou and no where offers what Caribou Valley does. A large Woodland Caribou, weighing upwards of 500 lbs with its striking mahogany colored antlered crown is stunning to see and hunt and a worthy on any hunters’ list.
If a Woodland Caribou hunt is on your bucket list, Caribou Valley Outfitters has the hunting experience for you! Experience the beauty of Newfoundland while pursuing the ultimate hunt. Call us toll free at 1-877-751-1681 for available bookings and rates.